Timeshare News – How to Make the Most of Your Timeshare

timeshare news

The timeshare industry has been around for over 40 years. It offers a wide variety of advantages. Owners have a way to stay in a resort year-round, enjoy employment opportunities, and contribute to the economy. But the timeshare market is growing increasingly confusing for consumers. A recent survey of timeshare owners revealed that 2 out of 3 of them own more than one timeshare. These repeat purchases indicate consumer satisfaction.

While it’s true that the timeshare industry has grown over the last four decades, there are still plenty of questions that consumers have about the timeshare product. For example, how do you know which timeshare company to use? Can you sell your timeshare when you no longer need it? Does it cost too much? Will your money go to a good cause? You don’t want to make any mistakes. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your timeshare.

If you’re looking to get more information on the timeshare industry, you should consider checking out the Timeshare Users Group (TUG). This organization is the original timeshare website, and it has sold more than fifty million dollars worth of timeshares. They’re also one of the most knowledgeable organizations in the business.

TUG owner Brian Rogers has started a series of videos on YouTube to provide viewers with more information about the industry. He covers topics such as the timeshare exchange and the forums, and he even conducts live zoom meetings with members. Whether you’re an aspiring member or an seasoned timeshare enthusiast, you’ll learn a lot from Rogers’ videos.

Timeshares are an increasingly important part of the economy. Even in times of economic crisis, a timeshare can add value to your life. When you have a timeshare, you’re locked in to your price for years to come, and it provides you with all-season tourism. With inflationary environments like the one we’re living in, it’s important to know how to make the most of your timeshare.

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